Thursday, November 16, 2006
The Knarley Knews #118-119
The Knarley Knews #118-119 / Henry Welch, 1525 16th Ave., Grafton WI 53024-2017 / or / $1.50 @ / Fandom's most consistent zine features some fine covers on these two issues by Marc Schirmeister and, I think, Alan White (it's not credited, but it's good enough to be his work). Both deserve Hugo nominations. Knarley begins each issue recounting his experiences in law school (his grades are disgustingly higher than mine) and sadly, mentions that typical-but-painful fannish sadness, the death of a cat. Jim Sullivan is in both issues; his tale of a nude funeral is as strange as it sounds. Sue Welch's column is intriguing in each number, as are the installments of Terry Jeeves' "Carry On Jeeves" World War II memoir. Terry is a treasure. Long lettercols, and some superb fillo art by Kurt Erichsen, Brad Foster, and the imperturbable Scott Patri.